Monday Muse: Query Nerves

Happy Monday, readers!!! It has been a very long, trying day for C and myself. We have officially sent out our first batch of queries! AAAHH!!!! Lord, help us. 

We spent the afternoon adding personalizations, attempting to copy and paste, and hesitantly clicking send. All told, we sent out 8 queries to 8 promising agents. And now. We wait. And wait. And wait. Up to 8 weeks to be exact.

After sending the first query we treated ourselves to a good, stiff drink. Querying is scary! But we got it done and now we are officially official writers who have written a book and are making moves to get it to an audience. And that’s a huge step. So go us!

Yes, there are lots of nerves, but I’m excited for the next step in this adventure. Go on, baby bird Killing Mercutio, fly into the world and be free!


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